

Company Profile
Finishing Systems

Cell Washers
Railroad Products
Residential Products
Fabrication/ Welding


Material Handling
Consulting Service
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Bintzler Incorporated

Specialists in
Custom Designed
Finishing Equipment

"Your One Source For All Types Of
Industrial Finishing and Cleaning Needs"

Washers - Ovens - Driers - Systems

We are proud of our achievements in not only finishing systems, and turnkey machinery, but also in our development of highly specialized products for the railroad industry. Our people are expert fabricators and welders, and fully understand the equipment manufactured. As well as being excellent troubleshooters, and have the abilities needed to perform all your maintenance requirements. We also have a line of products for material handling, both standard, and custom specials to order. Diversity in our company has even led us to develop a line of products for residential customers. If consulting is required, we can help. No other company has the experience of our engineering department. At Bintzler Incorporated, industrial finishing is an Art, and as always, offer superior service, and quick turnaround.

"Let Our Team Go to Work For You!"

8918 Glendale-Milford Road - Loveland, Ohio 45140

voice: (513)984-9788 / fax: (513) 984-9789 / sales@bintzlerinc.com